Dr. med. Michèle Dutly-Guinand

Dr. med. Michèle Dutly-Guinand

Dr. med. Michèle Dutly-Guinand


Born in 1969, Dr. Dutly-Guinand has worked since August 2012 as a freelance hand physician for the etzelclinic. She studied medicine in Zurich and passed her state examination in 1994. Dr. Dutly-Guinand started her career as an assistant doctor with the surgical department of the Triemli City Hospital in Zurich, and then moved to the Lachen Regional Hospital, returning to the surgery at the Triemli City Hospital in early 2000 as a senior physician. From 2003 to 2005, she specialized in hand surgery at a prestigious Canadian university center (UHN University Health Network, University of Toronto). After her return, she worked as a senior physician for hand surgery at the Liestal Canton Hospital before becoming independent in 2008. This was followed by a period as a guest physician at the DRK Clinic in Baden Baden, as well as in Toronto. In April of 2014, Dr. Dutly-Guinand was also involved in the founding of the Hirslanden Hand Center.


  • FMH | Schweizerische Ärztegesellschaft
  • SGHC | Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Handchirurgie
  • AGZ | Zürcher Aerztegesellschaft
  • SBV | Schweizerische Belegärzte-Vereinigung
English German French Italian
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